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Tuesday, February 7, 2012

The Opposite Effect

A couple of days ago, I was spending time with my best friend and her acquaintence at a local hookah bar enjoying the company when I stumbled across an interesting subject. As a Christian..I have always been educated that one is supposed to be loving and forgiving of every human being, no matter what their opinion or position in life is. Yet isn't it more often visible that many Christians have become exactly what they preach and condemn others for becoming? That is rendering judgment upon those whom they do not approve. When one begins to create barriers in one's life that prevents a broad horizon of differentiating friendship and acquainted groups, it also prevents the person's ability to minister fully to all those that God and Jesus dictated to those of faith to spread the Word of the Bible to.
Now many Christians might take offense to what I just stated, but is it or is it not true? When someone of "higher" class status views a person with tattoos and piercings, is there not a natural inclination to cringe away?
Getting down to it, I think too many people in this world hate Christians for the wrong reason...for the reason that those people are natural and normal human beings who are screwing up and being the WRONG type of Christian.
We get labeled bible-thumpering, gun -loving, uptight conservatives who don't care about the environment. Yet how many times have we seen atheists who are liberals driving the huge SUV's like Tahoe and Yukon that gas guzzle and have huge homes that run the electricity bill all night? No offense...I see this quite often.
How often has a person now seen many black people (because you are an AMERICAN and not from Africa at all so stop pretending), have nice cars and nice clothes and a lot of things they profess to never having? Really....I get to view this every day.
Ultimately...a lot of people in this country are ignorant and do not open up their eyes to the obvious truths, which is that things have changed from the way we want things to really be. We are living in a pretend world...our own Neverlands.
This whole post really states a lot of issues all put together. It addresses that it's okay to be homosexual if that's what you want to be...but it is NOT okay to shove your opinion on other people when you demand they let you have yours. Churches are for the CHRISTIANS who made them and they have the right to say no to letting such marriages take place. Just because you're upset about this, doesn't mean you then label them as unaccepting..when you act the same way every day of your lives.
This post also addresses the problem with racism...most often coming from the black community. The country has gone through great lengths to attempt to make it an equal playing field from all...but I'm white and I didn't receive a free scholarship because of my skin pigment. Don't you think that's pretty unfair when I had pretty great grades? I think so.
And finally, this post touches upon the blatant lack of intelligence when it comes to the liberal argument against conservatives. To label a group as being all the same is really narrow-minded, but what else can we expect from people who want to trick people into believing their own lies for power and gain? I will give a quick disclaimer, not all liberals are like this. There are many who have the good intentions to try and save the world, but one has to be sensible in order to accomplish such goals. And to be honest, there are families all over who require bigger vehicles and bigger homes in order to be comfortable in their living environment. If those same people who want to protest oil (when they drive vehicles), and want to save the trees..I'd recommend living in a tent and foregoing all the comforts of life if that's really their stance. You can't live a lavish lifestyle and also want to save the world. That's called hypocrisy.
While this all may sound harsh, sometimes it is necessary to also tell the truth. Many within this generation want to step over anyone who will barr them from getting what they want, and don't stop until someone says something.

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